Tour Mary Burdell’s Historic Victorian Garden
10:00 AM10:00

Tour Mary Burdell’s Historic Victorian Garden

  • Olompali State Historic Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Rancho Olompali and Mary Burdell’s Historic Victorian Garden in the early 1870s

Come join Diane Einstein in a walk and talk about Mary Burdell’s intact yet shrouded Historic 2 ½ acre Victorian Garden and Grounds, told through historic photographs and restoration planning documents.


Date:        Saturday, March 29

Time:       10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Start at the Olompali parking lot, continue to the Carriage Road and through Mary’s historic Victorian Garden.

Cost:        There is no charge for the event, but parking is $8. Pay by cash, check, or via smart phone with QR code at the parking lot.  No fee is charged if you borrow a free State Park pass from your local public library.

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Olompali Commune Revisited
11:00 AM11:00

Olompali Commune Revisited

Noelle Olompali Barton at Olompali in the spring of 1968

Noelle Olompali Barton at Olompali in the spring of 1968

Come join Noelle Olompali Barton and Larry Otis on a walk and talk about the park’s historic zone to revisit the Olompali Commune through historic photographs and displays.


Date:        Saturday, March 22nd

Time:       11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Location: Start at the park’s Septagon, on to the Carriage Road, then continue to the Barns and back.

Cost:        There is no charge for the event, but parking is $8. Pay by cash, check, or via smart phone with QR code at the parking lot.  No fee is charged if you borrow a free State Park pass from your local public library.

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Spring Equinox Bird Walk!
9:30 AM09:30

Spring Equinox Bird Walk!

The Ash-Throated Flycatcher that nests at Olompali

It’s always an exciting time to bird watch at Olompali!  Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leader Rich Cimino and State Parks Interpreter Evan Weissman to view Olompali’s diverse avian residents as we walk the old ranch road to the park's reservoir. 

Expect to see a wide variety of species that thrive in the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands:  raptors, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes and – of course – many woodpeckers. Now as the Spring Equinox approaches and the migrants arrive in the park as they fly north, we will be looking to see the effects of climate change on the northern migration.  Sharpen your bird-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology, and have a lot of fun along the way!

We’ll walk at a fairly slow pace, about 2 miles roundtrip, on gravel and dirt trails, with moderate slope in portions. Wear layered clothing, walking shoes, bring snacks, plenty of water, and binoculars and a birding field guide if you have one. We’ll also have a few binoculars to loan.

 Families Welcome!

Date:        Sunday, March 16th

Time:       9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Start at the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        There is no charge for the event, but parking is $8. Pay by cash, check, or via smart phone with QR code at the parking lot.  No fee is charged if you borrow a free State Park pass from your local public library.

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Accessible Bird Tour!
8:00 AM08:00

Accessible Bird Tour!

Sunday, July 21, 8am – 11am

Join a guided bird tour at Olompali State Historic Park! Beginning and experienced birders can expect to see and hear many species as we explore along the meeting point of several diverse habitats and the historic Victorian garden, with its summer-flowering pepper and palm trees. We’ll seek to identify recently fledged chicks exploring their environment, and will discuss how and why birds thrive in these ecosystems.

We’ll proceed at a leisurely pace on a wide, firmly packed, dirt and gravel road with no steps. We will travel about .5 miles on this out-and-back route, with a gentle incline at the far end. There is some shade, and a few benches along the way. Bring sunscreen, water, and binoculars if you have them. We will have several pairs of binoculars to loan. 

Meet in the Olompali parking lot at 8am. Parking is $8 per vehicle, via cash, check, or the Yodel app. There is no fee if you borrow a free State Park pass from your local library. There is no charge for the tour.

Led by Evan Weissman, 
Interpreter, Olompali State Historic Park

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Olompali Orchards & Other Flowers
9:00 AM09:00

Olompali Orchards & Other Flowers

Piperia elegans, now blooming at Olompali

Olompali Orchards & Other Flowers

Come join Clint and Madeline Kellner to explore Olompali’s orchards & other plants and flowers now in bloom, hiking the park’s Miwok Loop Trail on this partnership of Friends of Olompali and Marin Chapter California Native Plant Society outing.  


Date:  Saturday, June 29th

Time:  9 a.m. to Noon

Cost:  $8 per vehicle for parking – event is free

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Post Breeding Bird Walk!
8:00 AM08:00

Post Breeding Bird Walk!

The Hooded Oriole that nests at Olompali

Did you know that Neotropical species, like the Hooded Oriole, fly from Central America to Olompali each spring to nest? During the June 8th Friends of Olompali Bird Walk, Adults and juvenile Hooded Orioles were seen, along with another migrant nesting species, such as the Ash-throated Flycatcher. Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leader Rich Cimino and State Parks Interpreter Evan Weissman to view Olompali State Park’s diverse avian residents as we walk the old ranch road to the park and our historic reservoir.

Expect to see a wide variety of species that thrive in the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands:  raptors, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes and – of course – many woodpeckers. In this joint led post-breeding bird walk, we will be looking to see all the species nesting this spring in the park.  Sharpen your bird-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology, and have a lot of fun along the way!

Wear layered clothing, walking shoes and bring binoculars, snacks, plenty of water and a birding field guide if you have one.


 Families Welcome!


Date:        Sunday, June 23

Time:       8:00 a.m.

Location: Start at the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free


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Explore Olompali’s Historic Roads with Historian Brian Crawford
10:00 AM10:00

Explore Olompali’s Historic Roads with Historian Brian Crawford

1860 drawing possibly depicting the Olompali Camilo Ynitia Adobe on the El Camino Real

Come join Historian Brian Crawford in a walk and talk exploring Olompali’s Old Historic Roads, including the El Camino Real that passed through Olompali in the early 19th Century.


Date:        Saturday, June 22

Time:       10:00 a.m.

Location: Start at the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Explore Olompali’s Distinct Habitats with State Parks Interpreters
10:00 AM10:00

Explore Olompali’s Distinct Habitats with State Parks Interpreters

A vista of Olompali’s diverse habitats

Explore Olompali’s distinct habitats of riparian, woodland/savanna, chaparral, oak forest and grasslands with State Parks Interpreter Evan Weissman.

Come join State Park staff for an exciting adventure at Olompali State Historic Park for the first day of California State Parks Week!

Olompali has been a home for humans for thousands of years, and the landscape can provide us clues as to why. Join us for a hike where we will traverse Olompali's varied ecosystems and learn not only why they are important but also how to identify them.

This is a moderate hike spanning about 2 to 3 miles (depending on trail conditions) of somewhat hilly terrain. We recommend that participants pack water and a snack, and wear sturdy shoes when joining the hike.


Families Welcome!


Date:        Wednesday, June 12th

Time:       10:00 a.m.

Location: Start at the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Spring Bird Walk!
8:30 AM08:30

Spring Bird Walk!

The Ash-Throated Flycatcher that nests at Olompali

It’s always an exciting time to bird watch at Olompali!  Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leader Rich Cimino to view Olompali’s diverse avian residents as we walk the old ranch road to the park's reservoir. 

Expect to see a wide variety of species that thrive in the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands:  raptors, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes and – of course – many woodpeckers. Now after the Spring Equinox as the migrants arrive in the park as they fly north, we will be looking to see the effects of climate change on the northern migration.  Sharpen your bird-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology, and have a lot of fun along the way!

Wear layered clothing, walking shoes and bring binoculars, snacks, plenty of water and a birding field guide if you have one.


 Families Welcome!


Date:        Saturday, June 8th

Time:       8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Location: Start at the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Wildcare Terwilliger Nature Guide Olompali Nature Hike
10:00 AM10:00

Wildcare Terwilliger Nature Guide Olompali Nature Hike

Explore Olompali’s flora and fauna with Wildcare Terwilliger Nature Guide Erin O’Brien


Discovering Nature!

Use your senses to examine animal tracks, investigate scat, and spot wildlife, all while expanding your knowledge and appreciation of local flora and fauna! Come out to Olompali to immerse yourself in nature with an exciting discovery hike led by WildCare’s Terwilliger Nature Guide Erin O’Brien.

Families Welcome!


Date:        Sunday, June 2

Time:       10:00 a.m. to Noon

Location: Meet at the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Explore Olompali’s Unique Geology
10:00 AM10:00

Explore Olompali’s Unique Geology

Olompali slopes and wide-open grasslands

Join geology instructor Steven Newton on a geology walk and talk to explore Olompali’s unique geology and watershed.  Olompali is situated on the slopes of Mount Burdell, a volcanic extrusion made up of andesitic lava flows and volcanic tuff breccia, while the oldest bedrock in the park are metamorphic rocks of Franciscan outcrops.  Come join Professor Newton to see how it all comes together! 

Date:        Saturday, May 25

Time:       10:00 a.m.

Location: Meet in the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Olompali Commune Revisited
11:00 AM11:00

Olompali Commune Revisited

Noelle Olompali Barton at Olompali in the spring of 1968

Come join Noelle Olompali Barton and Larry Otis on a walk and talk about the park’s historic zone to revisit the Olompali Commune through historic photographs and displays.


Date:        Saturday, May 18

Time:       11:00 a.m.

Location: Start at the park’s Septagon, on to the Carriage Road, then continue to the Barns and back.

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Spring Wildflower Hike
9:00 AM09:00

Spring Wildflower Hike

California sun cup (Camissoniopsis bistorta) is a low growing native

Come hike the Olompali Miwok Loop Trail with Biologist & Entomologist Clint Kellner to see and identify Spring Wildflowers in bloom.  Expect to see a profusion of wildflowers along the trail as you hike through the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands.  Sharpen your plant-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology, and have a lot of fun along the way!

Wear layered clothing, walking shoes and bring snacks, plenty of water and a wildflower field guide if you have one.

 Families Welcome!


Date:        Sunday, May 5

Time:       9:00 a.m. to Noon

Location: Meet in the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Tour Mary Burdell’s Historic Victorian Garden
10:00 AM10:00

Tour Mary Burdell’s Historic Victorian Garden

Rancho Olompali and Mary Burdell’s Historic Victorian Garden in the early 1870s

Come join Diane Einstein in a walk and talk about Mary Burdell’s intact yet shrouded Historic 2 ½ acre Victorian Garden and Grounds, told through historic photographs and restoration planning documents. 

Date:        Saturday, April 27

Address: 8901 Redwood Blvd, Novato, CA 94945

Time:       10:00 a.m.

Location: Start at the Olompali parking lot, continue to the Carriage

                 Road and through Mary’s historic Victorian Garden.

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Olompali Commune Revisited
11:00 AM11:00

Olompali Commune Revisited

Noelle Olompali Barton at Olompali in the spring of 1968

Date:        Saturday, April 20

Address: 8901 Redwood Blvd, Novato, CA 94945

Time:       11:00 a.m.

Location: Start at the park’s Septagon, on to the Carriage Road,

                 then continue to the Barns and back.

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Spring Equinox Bird Walk!
9:30 AM09:30

Spring Equinox Bird Walk!

The Ash-Throated Flycatcher that nests at Olompali

It’s always an exciting time to bird watch at Olompali!  Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leader Rich Cimino to view Olompali’s diverse avian residents as we walk the old ranch road to the park's reservoir. 

Expect to see a wide variety of species that thrive in the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands:  raptors, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes and – of course – many woodpeckers. Now after the Spring Equinox as the migrants arrive in the park as they fly north, we will be looking to see the effects of climate change on the northern migration.  Sharpen your bird-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology, and have a lot of fun along the way!

Wear layered clothing, walking shoes and bring binoculars, snacks, plenty of water and a birding field guide if you have one.

  Families Welcome!

Date:        Saturday, April 13

Address: 8901 Redwood Blvd, Novato, CA 94945

Time:       9:30 a.m.

Location: Start at the Olompali parking lot

Cost:        $8 per car for parking - event is free

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Bird Walk - Sat, Oct 22nd
1:00 PM13:00

Bird Walk - Sat, Oct 22nd

  • Olompali State Historic Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It’s always an exciting time to bird watch at Olompali! Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leaders Janet Bodle and Rich Cimino of Yellowbilled Tours to view Olompali’s diverse avian residents as we walk the old ranch road to the park's reservoir. Expect to see a wide variety of species who thrive in the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands: raptors, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes and – of course – many woodpeckers. Sharpen your bird-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology and have a lot of fun along the way.

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Bat Night 2022
6:00 PM18:00

Bat Night 2022


Saturday, August 13, 2022
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Olompali State Historic Park in Novato


The popular evening of batty activities and live bats at Olompali State Historic Park returns!

6:00 – 8:30 Bat snacks - bat mask decorating – bat info & bat houses – meet live bats

8:30 – 9:00 NorCal Bats presentation and bat emergence

Bring a flashlight and chair or blanket to sit on while observing bats. With luck we’ll watch the flight of the bats at twilight. Come explore!

Questions? Contact us at:

$8 per car for parking - Donations are welcome

Presented by Friends of Olompali and California State Parks

Olompali is three miles north of Novato. On Highway 101, take the Atherton/San Marin Dr exit and follow the signs north to the Old Redwood Highway frontage road that leads to the park

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Bird Walk - Sun, Nov 7th
8:00 AM08:00

Bird Walk - Sun, Nov 7th

It’s always an exciting time to bird watch at Olompali! Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leaders Janet Bodle and Rich Cimino of Yellowbilled Tours to view Olompali’s diverse avian residents as we walk the old ranch road to the park's reservoir. Expect to see a wide variety of species who thrive in the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands: raptors, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes and – of course – many woodpeckers. Sharpen your bird-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology and have a lot of fun along the way.

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Bird Walk - Sat, Sept 4th
8:00 AM08:00

Bird Walk - Sat, Sept 4th

  • Olompali State Historic Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It’s always an exciting time to bird watch at Olompali! Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leaders Janet Bodle and Rich Cimino of Yellowbilled Tours to view Olompali’s diverse avian residents as we walk the old ranch road to the park's reservoir. Expect to see a wide variety of species who thrive in the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands: raptors, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes and – of course – many woodpeckers. Sharpen your bird-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology and have a lot of fun along the way.

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10:30 AM10:30

Bird Walk

Get to Know Your Neighborhood Nature!

Olompali State Historic Park Bird Walk


Check back for a rescheduled date soon!

bird walk.PNG

It’s always an exciting time to bird watch at Olompali! Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leaders Janet Bodle and Rich Cimino ofYellowbilled Tours to view Olompali’s diverse avian residents as we walk the old ranch road to the park's reservoir. Expect to see some migrating species as well as a wide variety of species who thrive in the park’s oak savanna and open grasslands: raptors, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes and – of course – many woodpeckers. We hope to see northern nesting species making their way north. Sharpen your bird-identification skills, gain a deeper appreciation for our local ecology and have a lot of fun along the way.

-- Families are welcome --

Meet In the Olompali parking lot at 11:30 a.m.

Wear layered clothing and bring binoculars, lunch, plenty of water and a birding field guide if you have one.

New Park Entrance Driving Directions: If you are coming from the North on Highway 101, take the Atherton Ave/San Marin Dr exit, turn right at the stop light and follow the signs to the frontage road that leads to the park.

If you are coming from the South on Highway 101, take the Atherton Ave/San Marin Dr exit, turn left at the stop light, cross the overpass and follow the signs to the frontage road that leads to the park.

$8 per car for parking - event is free.



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